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The Catholic Church in Denmark
The Catholic Church in Denmark is part of the universal Church.
With approx. 46,000 registered members, it is a minority church, but it reflects the diversity of the world church in that its members hail from many different countries. In this way, the Church also expresses the universality of the Gospel.
The presence of these many different nationalities in Denmark of course offers some challenges, but most of all it constitutes human and spiritual wealth.
Approximately one third of all Danish Catholics have been born abroad. In addition, a number of Catholics are born in Denmark of foreign parents. Catholics with a Danish background do however constitute the largest single ethnic group, and Mass in the parishes is celebrated in Danish. Where it is needed, the Danish Mass is supplemented by Masses in other languages.
The Diocese of Copenhagen
The Catholic Church in Denmark is comprised by a single diocese based in Copenhagen. In addition to the 38 parishes in Denmark, the diocese includes two North Atlantic parishes: Greenland and the Faroe Islands, totalling 40 parishes with memberships ranging anywhere between a few hundred and a few thousand members.
The Diocese is headed by a bishop, who in turn is assisted by priests and deacons. As of 2018 there are one bishop, 72 priests and five deacons in the diocese.
In any parish, there is a democratically elected parish council, which, in collaboration with the parish priest, shares the responsibility for the life, activities and economics of the parish. The present arrangement with parish councils was instituted in 1970.
- The clergy consists of bishops, priests and deacons.
- Secular clergy are placed directly under the bishop.
- Regular clergy belong to a religious order, but have been placed at the disposal of the bishop.
- The vast majority of priests function in parishes as parish priests or assistant priests.
- The majority of priests were born abroad, while the majority of deacons were born in Denmark. The last three bishops were all born in Denmark.
Link to priestly services in foreign languages